One week Kendal was assigned a scripture/ prayer. Then two weeks later, he came home with a slip to give a talk. Our Primary is really big, so I wondered why Kendal was getting so many opportunities to speak. While gabbing with a friend who was the secretary in the Primary, she told me the two full classes of Sunbeams were not being asked to participate in opening exercises because they thought it would scare them to get up in front of people. Cameron reassured her that Avery had voiced wanting to be up there...
The next week, Avery came home with a slip for a talk.
Avery was soooo excited to give a talk in Primary. She has seen her big brother give a few since the year began and she always asked why she couldn't go up there behind the microphone and "say a prayer".
She was assigned a talk on families.
She was so composed it made me giggle a little. I could tell she wanted to be so grown up.
She walked right up to the front, pulled on the little steps on the back of the pulpit, stepped right up (her head barely cleared the pulpit at all), reached up and pulled that mic right down to her lips. I was amazed.
She said, almost completely by herself:
Families were special. We need to love each other and make each other happy. We can share our toys and say nice things and help each other. I know we can be a family forever and live with Heavenly Father and Jesus someday.
Then when I whispered in her ear to say, "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.", she whispered to me, "Now I say the prayer?" I just whispered that Ashlyn had just given the prayer and that she was giving the talk. She just smiled and stepped down and went to sit with her class.
For me, today, it is just like the scriptures say, "The weak shall confound the wise". We can never underestimate what our children can do. These are choice spirits sent at this time to give of their special gifts and talents. Ralph Waldo Emerson quote - What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Avery is something special. All our children (yours and mine) have so much within them. Who knows what they will do in this world. It is truly wonderful to see such a composed, unafraid, free spirit give so much of herself today.
I sure hope that will never change. I hope she will always look within to find her strength. I am sure it was put there by a Father who loves her very much, and was very happy to hear her thoughts on families. It was completely precious!!
aww.. That is such a sweet story. Avery is an amazing little girl !
She did such a good job. Way to go Avery!
That's our girl. Can I keep her?
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