Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Shin Guards And Soccer Balls

All fired up for SOCCER!!! Kendal is much better this year!! He can run much farther and anticipate like a pro!! He even got in there to try for a goal...Just missed... We just love to see him so involved and driven to do his best. He is also the best at CELEBRATING when a score is made. He is light enough to jump into the arms of his teammates!! They are so awesome!!
Our family has loved just throwing out the family denium quilt on the soft grass and enjoying the summer days outside!! We are so blessed to have wide open parks and fun programs for our kids to learn and progress!!
The only tough thing I have found is explaining to him that he needs to get in the middle of the bunch and be aggressive to get that ball!! We have spent so much time teaching him to be polite and let others go first, don't fight , take turns, be peaceful and loving, and SHARE!!
We have some unteaching to do....for sporting events only!!!

1 comment:

Amber Patten said...

Love the action pictures! He looks so into the game. Love IT!

The Bryan Team

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