Drew had his first earthly blessing yesterday. Lots of friends and family were there to celebrate his arrival. We truly have great families on both sides. Thanks to all of you whether you were there in body or in spirit.
I just love to hear the talents and gifts our Heavenly Father has given to each child individually. Drew has been blessed with compassion and empathy, health and intelligence, and great friendships with his brother and sister. He has already blessed our home with such joy. We feel honored to have him in our family. We know we are just the earthly stewards of this heavenly being, and he really belongs to our Heavenly Father. It is great to have him here. I feel like he is a very old soul and he has much to teach us. We sure love him, as we do Kendal and Avery. There is really something to this whole FAMILY thing.I just love it!!
I'm so glad that I have such a big impact on you and Jan!!! (If you have no clue what I'm talking about chech my blog) Sophie says pix are adorable
Hi Bryans! I enjoy watching your family grow through your blog. Your kids are so sweet. I see a lot of you two in them. What a wonderful and beautiful family.
I hope we will get to come and see you guys sometime this year. Have a great week.
Love, Lisa (your cousin!)
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