Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wii Finally Did It!!

Well, it's Saturday, my house is a wreck, the laundry needs attention, Avery needs her hair done (as you can see)and I need to plan our garden and get seeds, but right now, all wii can think to do is Wii!!

So , finally, finally, wii jumped on the Wii bandwagon and bought one for the family. Wii had our first Wii night last night and after only an hour or so trying to get everything set up, wii were completely enthralled with DODGEBALL!!

Wii opted to get four controllers. I am glad wii did. Wii will probably play with friends and family a lot. I see our date nights and couple dates as the kids GO TO THE BABYSITTERS and the couples Wii 'till the COW RACE comes home.

I am certainly watching and waiting for the Wii Fit. There are none in Idaho Falls anywhere until next week. I know, I checked. Wii played it a week ago at our friends' house and I LOVED IT!!! FUN, FUN, FUN.

Let me know what your favorite games are as wii are wanting to add to our new toy.

It certainly is a whole world different than our Nintendo 64 we have had for years. Wii didn't even buy it new. It was at a yard sale with six or seven games, contollers and all, and the whole thing cost us about $15. It has been a good toy for a long time. A LONG TIME being the point of the upgrade.

If you would like to Wii with us, Wii would be happy to have you!!


Jan said...

How hard was it to make sure you exchanged we for wii? I remember someone saying when we got our WII that we were just giving into tempation. . . hmmm. . . who could that have been? I know it will come to me! I'll have to think. . . *coughTaricough*. . . about it!

Kristen said...

How fun for you guys. I hope you have a LOT of fun Family nights with that. I am excited for you.
Wii it up!!!

Robyn said...

Wii love our Wii too.
I've had lots of fun with it. The Wii fit kicks my you know what but Lyce is really good at the yoga..Have loads of fun. Don't you just love the way you don't have to sit around to play it!!

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