Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Could I Forget??

Kendal's First Dip in the Atlantic Ocean.

Look at that face. He used to love the swings at the park- No matter how cold.

I love this picture of him in time out. He still hates to sit.

Oh, how he loves things that fly. This helicopter was his favorite color. He was in heaven.

Snowy days are all about fun with Kendal. He loves to just be a boy. He's just one great kid!!

WOW!! I feel like the best mom ever...forgetting to create a birthday blog for our oldest son on his birthday. I cannot believe it. Well, knowing myself, as I do, I can believe it, I would just hope I wouldn't.

Kendal Noel Bryan was born in Wauwatosa, WI in April 1st, 2003, just 9 months after Cameron and I got married. Yep, we got plenty of eyebrow lifts from this phenomenon even though he was 5 3/7 weeks early. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. And so so so very tiny. At just over 5 pounds, there was not a whole lot to him.

I remember when we were driving home from the hospital, I told Cameron not to drive too fast, as though slow driving would protect him from everything. It is so crazy to think that was 6 years ago. He has grown to be some kid. He is bright and inquisitive and all his own person. He is going to grow up to do great things. I have no doubt in my mind!!

Well, here's to six more, Kendal!! We love you so!!


Jan said...

I love Kendal so much. . . he cares so much about people! Happy B-day Kendal, i know i already told you two weeks ago but here ya go again!

Billie Jo said...

I remember the day Tim told me that you had him and I thought it was an April Fools joke. Now I always remember Kendal's b-day. Where does the time go?

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