Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

If You Chance To Meet A Frown...

If you chance to meet a frown, I hope yours is this CUTE!!!

Okay, One Pregnant Picture

Here I am in all my 30+ week glory. I know. I know. Eat your heart out. I will love to get back to doing things I used to do. You know, like bending over to tie my shoes, painting my own toenails, sleeping on my stomach, etc. But this pregnancy is our last, so I intend to enjoy every kick, punch, hiccup, and Braxton Hicks. Hopefully the next picture you see of me will be after delivery. I would much rather show you what she looks like, than what I look like before she gets here, but I have had some requests. So here ya go.

Perfect Popcicle Eating Technique

Avery loves popsicles. The only problem is the cold exterior. We are usually having to wrap a paper towel around it to lessen the intensity of holding it. Well, this day, Avery didn't want to ask for help, so she couldn't reach the paper towels on the kitchen counter. Being a thinker, she quickly devised this plan: wear oven mitts and the cold will not overwhelm your little three year old fingers. I thought it was ingenious. We need to think of a way to patent that. OR maybe next time we buy popsicles, we will buy the ones with sticks. Either way, I am proud of her resourcefulness.

One More Camping Trip

Ahhh, camping. The perfect excuse to get completely dirty and stay up late.

Ahh, swimming while camping. The perfect excuse to clean away all the dirt without the kids catching on.

Drew, is that a hint of mischief I see in your face as you sit on that four-wheeler?

This little car was a big crowd pleaser. The four-wheeler would pull it up the hill with the kids inside it. Then at the top of the hill, they would turn the car around and push it back down the hill. Gravity could get that rickety car going almost 18 miles per hour. The kids would giggle and scream like it was an amusement park ride. I am sure we used a tank of gas just on that round trip up and down that hill. Good times.

A view of our camper from the hill. We had a great time.

Labor Day Weekend was too crowded and my husband was on-call anyway. So, we decided to go the weekend after that to Lava. Our neighbors' parents have some land there and we were invited to camp with them. Well, it was dusty and rocky and hard to park the trailer, but once that was all taken care of, the fun began. We went four wheeling, and swimming, roasted marshmellows, cracked glow sticks and got completely filthy with all manner of dirt, bugs, and whatever else the children found. It was great to go and spend time with our friends and young family. We know these are times that will not last forever. Our kids may one day not want to camp with old Mom and Dad. For now, though, we have to take things as they come and find ways to enjoy it all right here in the moment. We are glad we went. I hope to have many more fun trips like this one. Thanks, Lasleys.

Everybody Can-Can

Our crew!!

Our setup. We had two Camp Chefs and four pressure canners going.

One of our Camp Chef operators. Doesn't he look like he is loving his job?

Our finished product!! Beautiful and delicious!!

I cannot believe I have not blogged about all the canning we have done this year. Peaches and pears were quite a sight this year!! Kristen, Sheri, MY GLORIOUS MOTHER and I canned last year together and had so much fun (sticky, messy, did I mention sticky?) we decided not only to can but to can MORE than we did last year. We have also acquired a few more soon-to-be enthusiasts as they have never actually canned but wanted to learn. It was hot, sticky, messy fun as always. We were able to do 124 quarts of peaches and 164 quarts of pears. It is hard work, but they are beautiful and incredibly gratifying to see full shelves of our hard work. Cameron and I have also made batches and batches of raspberry-peach, raspberry-huckleberry, raspberry-raspberry, and soon will do pear-vanilla freezer jams. We have also canned and juiced apples.

We are lucky to live where these things are available to us at great prices, grown in our own state, by local farmers, and sold in farmer's markets or fruit stands right her in our little town. I love that in the deep of winter, we can enjoy jams, juices and fruits as if it were summer. We are so blessed.

I also love that my mom has been able to teach me about how to can and what to can. I think this is a tradition that is dying. It really is a time to be with friends and family and truly work hard with so much to reap in the end. I hope to pass it down to my children (yep, even the boys will get a good opportunity to learn this)because we have been told to know how to be self sufficient. I believe canning will be something we will need to fall back on.

Right now, it is just good fun with delicious benefits.

Avery's Preschool Begins Again

Avery really likes being busy. She loves school. She doesn't always like the ride there and back, but she does great once she gets there. This year some of her very favorite friends are in her class: Alexa and Ginny. These sweet three year olds have been playing at our house and Avery at theirs all summer and well, almost all their lives. They live close in the neighborhood and go to church and do just about everything together. This class is going to be especially fun for them. I told Avery's teacher that these girls were like sisters: sometimes great and loving, and sometimes...not. She said she knows about that and is sure all will be well. I am sure of that. These opportunities for Avery to get out and experience things is just so good for her. I want her to feel like she can do things for herself and help others do things as well. She can do anything. I believe that she will be really great at whatever she throws her passion at.

Good Luck, Peach!! You'll be great!!

FIrst Day Of First Grade!!

It is hard to imagine my firstborn in first grade for the first time. He has grown into someone I really like as well as love. I am a HUGE KENDAL BRYAN FAN!!! We have tried really hard to steer him in a good direction but I think he is just genuinely good.

In his father's blessing this morning he was told he had a intelligent mind and that he would be able to learn things easily. He was told he would be able to make friends with many around him and that many would know him and be happy around him. He was told he would be safe when he was away from home, and there would always be good people to help him when needed. He was told he would be a leader and that he needed to always try to do his best and choose righteously. He was told that Heavenly Father knows him and is pleased with him.

I fixed his lunch and drew a fun note on his napkin with markers (love doing that). He is in FIRST GRADE!! Hard to believe....FIRST GRADE!!!


Let's Go Fly A Kite!!

I just had to post these pictures of Drew. We were cleaning out the garage and trying our best to organize some or the chaos out there, and Drew found this kite. There was no wind to fly it, but he has seen us run up and down the yard with it before and the wind just seemed to pick it up. He tried and tried, and then got Daddy to try and try. The poor kite never left Earth, but it was fun to watch the attempt. Drew is just so cute!!

Rigby Lake On A Summer Afternoon

I have to admit I am not fond of taking all my kids swimming without my husband to help me out, but when my friends are doing the same thing without their husbands, it gives me the determination to do it anyway. The best part is that my kids had a blast!! I am so proud of them when they just jump into things bravely. Kendal had made 3 or 4 friends by the time I had unpacked the car and was building sand canals and castles with them. Avery was just like a fish. She was in the water and taking rides in the canoe without a small hesitation. Drew was just loving the sand and it took quite a while to get it all off his clothes, out of his shoes, and out of his thin blonde hair. I went wading and the water was refreshing and the sand was squishy between my toes.

I am glad I did not waste this day inside. I am glad for friends who encourage me to do things I am not sure I can do by myself. I am glad my kids are strong and trusting and just kids. I am glad for days like these.

July 24th Butikofer Family Reunion

We had a great big slumber party in the downstairs dance studio with Grandma Butikofer!!!

Not sure how much sleep was actually achieved!!

At the fairgrounds, we watched Billie Jo's dancers dance, we had great exotic smoothies and enjoyed the summer day. There was even this great train ride!!

We had loads of fun, and just wore ourselves out!! What a fabulous family reunion!! Thanks Kamas Butikofers!!! We had a great time!!!!

What a great time!!! There was so much to do, I didn't have much time to snap shots of it all. It all started when Grandma Butikofer and I (Cameron was detained because of work)packed up the kids to head out on the 5 hour trip to Kamas, Utah for the Buikofer Family Reunion!! We were just about there when....we took a bad veer in the highway and, well, all seemed fine until we saw a sign that read, "Wyoming Welcomes You".

Wyoming??? Really??

Turns out we went an hour past our correct veer in the highway and had to jump the median twice to actually get back on track. The kids were tired, cranky and a bit "put out", but we made it and began our reunion, much to the shagrin of Billie Jo (sorry).
We had slumber parties with Grandma Butikofer, fried shrimp late into the night, watched Billie Jo's dancers, walked around the fair, played in the sand, jumped on the trampoline, and ate, and ate, and ate. After we left, there was still a truck derby, more food, and more fun to be had by all!!

Memories are made by just these outings. We must learn that however imperfect they may seem at the time, when we look over the years of reunions, we have made many perfect memories out of imperfect circumstances!! We should never give up striving to make these memories!! Thanks again, Tim and Billie Jo!! You have brought us one busy and fun reunion closer to each other!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Isn't She Lovely...

Can you see her?? This is the best picture we got at the U/S. It is a profile shot of her little face. We think she is going to look like our Avery. That will be just fine with us. It is amazing catching a glimpse of her before she is even here. She is quite a wonder. We love her already, of course. Just a few more weeks and she will be here. What an adventure she has ahead of her.

What a great little face!!

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