We had a great big slumber party in the downstairs dance studio with Grandma Butikofer!!!

Not sure how much sleep was actually achieved!!

At the fairgrounds, we watched Billie Jo's dancers dance, we had great exotic smoothies and enjoyed the summer day. There was even this great train ride!!

We had loads of fun, and just wore ourselves out!! What a fabulous family reunion!! Thanks Kamas Butikofers!!! We had a great time!!!!
What a great time!!! There was so much to do, I didn't have much time to snap shots of it all. It all started when Grandma Butikofer and I (Cameron was detained because of work)packed up the kids to head out on the 5 hour trip to Kamas, Utah for the Buikofer Family Reunion!! We were just about there when....we took a bad veer in the highway and, well, all seemed fine until we saw a sign that read, "Wyoming Welcomes You".
Wyoming??? Really??
Turns out we went an hour past our correct veer in the highway and had to jump the median twice to actually get back on track. The kids were tired, cranky and a bit "put out", but we made it and began our reunion, much to the shagrin of Billie Jo (sorry).
We had slumber parties with Grandma Butikofer, fried shrimp late into the night, watched Billie Jo's dancers, walked around the fair, played in the sand, jumped on the trampoline, and ate, and ate, and ate. After we left, there was still a truck derby, more food, and more fun to be had by all!!
Memories are made by just these outings. We must learn that however imperfect they may seem at the time, when we look over the years of reunions, we have made many perfect memories out of imperfect circumstances!! We should never give up striving to make these memories!! Thanks again, Tim and Billie Jo!! You have brought us one busy and fun reunion closer to each other!!