Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Well, Color Me Happy...With Permanent Ink!!!

Crazy thing. I was just trying to think of what to blog. Careful what you wish for.

Oh, the joys of family life. I just happened to be checking my email and stocking some blogs while the kids were eating lunch, and I came up to check on them, when...I FOUND THIS!!! Yes, Avery had um,..."beautified" her younger brother with BLACK, PERMANENT MARKER.

Now, let me explain why we had a permanent marker out in the first place. Kendal's Valentine cards for his kindergarten class would not take a regular marker or crayon without wiping right off, so the permanent marker was the only thing he could write with (I could rant quite a long time on the Valentine candy industry and how they attempt on every hand to irritate and torment every parent with their choice of wrap). Apparently, this parent had not yet put the PERMANENT MARKER away...yet.

While I was contemplating what to blog on next...the next blog just came to me. See how lucky I am????

Oh, and one more thing. This may be "off-label" for the uses of a Magic Eraser, but I have to say it worked beautifully to get the marker off Drew's head, and he didn't mind it a bit.


Corey Ward said...

Hehehe. That is cute. Aren't those magic erasers...well, magic. I too have used them to remove permanent magic marker...not from someone's head, but still, they are magic.

CK Black Family said...

LOL big time! I'm anti-marker, and our valentine's also needed the permanent kind - curse those companies! Gotta love a picasso in the bunch!

Keriann said...

funny... glad to know that magic erasers work on kids too:)

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