Saturday, June 28, 2008
It Officially Began June 29,2002...
Our first slow dance was to the song, "Have You Ever Been In Love?" by Peter Cetera... Very romantic!!
Our first Valentine's Day, we ate a heart-shaped pepperoni pizza... So much fun!!
Our first kiss was in his parents' dining room... Magic!!
Our first apartment was in Milwaukee, WI... Perfect!!
As many of you already know, Cameron and I have been together a very long time. Long before we were married, we were together. In fact, we dated off-and-on for seven years before we actually tied the knot. He knew we were going to end up together. He always knew. I, on the other hand, resisted about as much as I possibly could. I didn't want to marry him because he was the last one standing, or because he was the only one who I knew loved me, even if I didn't love him. I wanted to be in love like that, too. I wanted to KNOW he was the one for me.
Then, one day, I knew. I knew like he had always known.
Our story is a very long one, but it all comes down to this: We were meant for each other. I know it. He knows it. It seems like it has always been that way.
We have been through a lot... proven by our ever changing hairstyles and colors in these old pictures of us through the years.
Six years doesn't sound like a very long time, but we have been together much longer than that. I am just thankful he stayed in it when he probably should have walked away. He has always been patient with me. He has always believed in me. He has always believed in us.
Cameron, thank you for always believing. You are my best friend and loving companion. You support me and help me and comfort me. You take care of our whole family with tenderness and love. You are my family and whole world-
Then, Now, and Forever...I love you!!
Happy Anniversary, Cameron!! 831, Your Honey
Monday, June 23, 2008
When The Family Gets Together...

This weekend was the Butikofer Family Reunion. My brothers' and sister's families all traveled to my oldest brother's property to have a get together like we do every year. We have gone far away and stayed nearby, but this year was a stay nearby, since there was softball games and extreme gas prices. We had a ball, and all the cousins got to spend time together.

We also got to draw names for Christmas. All you who didn't get to your emails, this is the name list for this year. The cousin on the left buys a gift for the cousin on the right. The gift exchange price should not excede $20. If you have an questions, don't call me...I know nothing. The list goes as follows:
Bodee- Mike
Kaylee- Avery
Sophie- Ellie Jo
Lexie- Mia
Kaleb- Bodee
Ellie Jo- Lexie
Tess- Sophie
Mia- Kendal
Kendal- Tess
Avery- Josh
Drew- Luke
Josh- Kaleb
Mike- Drew
Luke- Kaylee
Avery Starts Preschool

If you know my daughter at all, you already know she doesn't let anything stop her from doing what she wants. I try to think of it as a leadership quality. Well, Avery was born with a complete hearing loss on her left side. Although many have come to our home to evaluate her for deficiencies or handicaps, they have searched in vain. Idaho will pay for all her therapy, if she was to need any, but she is well above her age group in several categories. In some, probably thanks to Kendal, she is well into the four year skill levels. We were very happy to hear she was doing just fine. Then we were told about a preschool for the deaf to teach sign and comprehension through active participation in group activities... and because of her hearing loss, it automatically made her eligible for the school, regardless that she didn't really need it at her age level.
We enrolled her. If any school is willing to take on a headstrong 2 1/2 year old, even not potty trained completely, they had my vote... and my prayers.
I have to report that she loves it, and frankly, so do I. There are only four in the class, and one has an actual complete hearing loss. The rest are siblings or Avery. They do very clever activities and sign absolutely everything. I have learned so much already, and I know Avery has too.
She even has a sign name. Make a sign "a" with one hand and circle it around in front of your face (like the sign for "pretty")
We have pitched tents,

roasted marshmellows and hotdogs,

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Things I Know About MY DADDY!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Drew's New Food
Can anybody tell me where the last four months have gone?
I took Drew in for his 4 month well check and they gave me a little handout on starting him on solid foods. What? Already? We were just getting the breastfeeding on a schedule. I do not remember starting my other two out so early, but I must have... it is in their baby books.
Well, anyway, today we got a wild hair and tried him on the rice cereal. I was so proud of him. He didn't make a mess at all. He swallowed just about all of it and was fairly happy all the way through. He was even gagging a little and it didn't upset him. I tell ya, if there was ever a good baby, his name would be Drew Benjamin Bryan!!
And now for your viewing pleasure, here is a clip of his first bites of rice cereal delivered by his mother and oldest sibling, Kendal. Please ignore the screaming Avery in the backgound and the "yellow head" comment from Kendal.
If anyone can help me figure out how to turn the video so Drew is not on his side, please speak up.
I do realize for most of you, this may be a little boring, but this is how this blog works: ANYTHING new I find newsworthy makes it to our blog. I find this beautifully newsworthy. Deal!!
Sew Dang Cute!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hey, Batta, Batta, Batta..