This week has been a stressful one, but there always seems to be room for great adventure and opportunity. Cameron's employer has been contracted with the hospital here in Idaho Falls for 9 years. She has decided that she will NOT RENEW her contract and will try to sell her contract to a big company to take over.
The hospital is entertaining bids from any entity interested in the perfusion contract.
Cameron is now one of those entities!! Cameron is his own business owner and has submitted a proposal for a four year contract!! He is ecstatic, and I am just awed by his bravery and tenacity!! He is an EXTRAORDINARY perfusionist and deserves this more than anyone!! He has always been one of those people who works to change the world. He is strong enough and brilliant enough to do it, too!! Nothing is too hard or too out of reach for him. He knows he can do it and just jumps in. He is a true go-getter!! He has been waiting for this...and now it is almost in his grasp.
No matter what happens, I couldn't be more proud of my husband. He has worked so hard for this. No person or entity has the vision and the commitment he has for this heart program. If they truly want the best, they will choose him.
But just for the sake of increasing our luck, good fortune, and focusing our chi:
Make sure you are all praying for him...and us. We also implore you to walk around with your fingers crossed, legs crossed, and eyes crossed...just until the proposal is accepted. Feel free to send pictures of yourselves in those particular circumstances. We could use a laugh or two to ease the agony of waiting for an answer.
Thanks for your support!!