Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Up In Curls...

My poor daughter was given such a non-girly mom. I have NO idea how to do all the cutesy things I am supposed to teach her to do. My real weakness is her hair.

This week Avery performed with her dance group at the Festival of Trees. She had two numbers even. We were supposed to make sure she had tight ringlets all over her head and that she had blue eye shadow, pink cheeks, pink lipgloss and even mascara. Can you imagine putting mascara on a two year old?

Anyway, I went to our local Sally's Beauty Supply and pleaded with the sales person to help me out. These curl creaters were what we decided on. What happens is that you put the hook through the curler, take the section of hair through the hook and pull it straight through the curler. Then the curler springs back to the ringlet shape and Viola!... instant curl. Just let it dry and you are in perfect ringlet heaven.

Well, it didn't really go quite that well until the third go. There is patience, planning, a little coordination and lots of gel involved, but all-in-all, I think she looked great!!


Keriann said...

That just makes me smile, she is darling. Keriann

Sophie said...

Good job Avery! Your hair got to be nice and you got to perform!

See ya in Boise!

Jan said...

How adorable is she. I don't believe all that "I am not girly stuff" because she always looks so put together--way more than our fam. Now, we are NON-girly, well, except for Mike!

The Wyler Family said...

very cute. i'm in trouble if i ever have a little girl. i just hope i live near one of my sisters. they're good at all that stuff.

The Hammers said...

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