Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Whooo Hooo!!! Drew is TWO!!

Time goes so fast. It seems so recently we were having Kendal's second birthday party. I have learned so much from all my babies and Drew is no exception. He is quite an incredible little boy. We are so blessed to have him in our family.

Let me tell you a little about Drew. The first thing anyone ever notices about him is his great big dark brown eyes. It may be his light complexion that makes them so striking, but they are beautiful. He also has very little light brown hair. I have only trimmed his hair once in his entire two years.

Drew has a BIG personality. He can be grumpy and frowny, or happy and silly. He makes up words like "do-bu-dee" that he walks around chanting just because they are fun to say. Some other favorite words are: NO, YEAH, shoe, apple, DADDY, Kendal, baby, bye-bye, night-night, happy, puppy, kitty, meow, moo, neigh, nose, eyes, ear, drink, snack, etc. The list is getting longer by the day.

His favorite food is whatever you put in front of him, but he loves fruit snacks. He loves to open oreo cookies and just eat the filling. He loves chocolate milk. One of his favorite things to eat is a bite of whatever you are having. The food on your plate seems to always taste better than what is on his.

He loves his DADDY!! I never have to wonder where my Drew Baby has gone. If Cameron is around, Drew is right in his lap, or in his arms, or on his back. He likes his daddy to rock him, and dress him, and change his diapers. He likes to call his daddy on the phone when he is at work. He watches Cameron go to work out his window with tears streaming down his face. And when Cameron returns home, Drew is standing at the door to welcome him.

Drew is also a great brother. He will play with whoever is at hand. Kendal gets a kick out of having him play on the top bed bunk with him. If he plays with Kendal, it is a transformer, car, truck, airplane or train. If he is playing with Avery, it is a doll....or better yet, HE is the doll that she feeds and covers with a blanket. If he is with Edyn, he talks so sweetly to her and always let's me know if she is awake or crying. When he is alone, I can hear him singing what sounds like "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "Old McDonald Had A Farm".

The best part about Drew is that he is always just himself, and we think that is just wonderful!!


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