Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bustin' Basement Blues

How in the world do we ever accumulate so much...STUFF? It is everywhere, lurking around every corner, taunting me. I am continually reminded it is around because it is, well, AROUND, ALL OVER THE PLACE, EVERY WHERE I LOOK, WONDER, OR EXPLORE. This STUFF is taking over.

This year our ward's relief society motto is "Less"ons for Life. We are focusing on living on less, making life more simple, streamlining our lives...just having and needing less, because less is more.

Our basement could sure use some shaving down. I had had about enough of clutter here and there and crushed boxes with junk inside. Why are we holding on to all this stuff, anyway? It was time to get brutal. It was time to weed through our mounds and piles and turn them into corners and places of space and serenity.

We are still in the process as I believe we are never free of the daunting task of keeping clutter at bay, but we have D.I.ed several boxes and just thrown out quite a few, too. As just a taste, we have gone from this:

To this:

AHHH! ThAT is BeTter!! It iS nOt peRfeCt, buT it Is a StArT!! The storage room has taken on a whole new look and feeling. I love it!!

Look out HOUSE, you are about to learn a serious "LESS"on.


Jan said...

That looks beautiful!!!! Now, do you do other homes, say, in Boise?

Laura said...

Can I fly you here to do my ENTIRE house?!?! I feel like my house is falling in on me. :) And I need an impartial "judge" to decide what to toss/keep as I'm too sentimental....

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