Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Weeeee!!! Avery is Three!!!

Daddy and Avery made rainbow pancakes at her request.

Put a candle in it and ...instant birthday party!!

We made gigantic PINK sugar cookies for her preschool class treat!!

Her class is so great for her. She even likes the boys!!


December 13th, 2008

Could it be that our extremely independent, strong-willed, expressive two year old daughter has lived through her "terrible twos"? Could it be that we all lived through her "terrible twos"? I suppose the answer is yes, although I am not sure we all came out unscathed.

I am hopeful that her year of three will be less dramatic. She seems to think the world cames to an end at least 300 times per day with no theatrics spared for each and every tragedy. AND she is also as beautiful a spirit as has ever been created. She is wonderfully angelic and motherly when the moment arises. She is free of all pressures of acceptance and others' opinions. She does exactly what comes naturally, and I believe it is how she will always be.

This personality of hers can go one of two ways. She can use her natural tendencies to benefit others and change the world for good. The other way, of course, is to look to the dark side. As parents, we want to see our children use those natural skills, talents, and traits to lead others to reach beyond what they have and find better ways to do things, discover new territories, explore and experience. My daughter will be a motivated, smart, driven leader. I want to see her succeed. The world could use more people like Avery to get things done. It is a parental responsibility to teach her and guide her to strive all her life to do what is good and decent.

Avery has always been a child who challenges me. I know she was sent to our home to teach us better patience, spontaneity, and the art of persuasion instead of threats and consequences. I love her for helping me be more prayerful and introspective. It is not always easy to understand how she thinks or what she feels, but it is always a lesson of how to love better.

We Love You, Avery Jayke!! Happy Birthday!!

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