Catcher's Report

Where we "Catch" you up on the "Team Bryan Stats" that have been "Pitched" into a "Mound" of undone blogs.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Butikofer Family Christmas Party

Tari's family always gets together after the actual holidays have passed to get together, exchange gifts, and just be together. This year was no exception. This year was really fun because we brought out the old super 8 projector and watched some really really old home movies. I wish I had taken pictures of that but I was too preoccupied with running the projector until...the lamp burned out. That certainly darkened the evening. Then we brought up all the projectors we had and found a way to watch just a few more. I have missed those old movies. It was great to get back to my roots. LOVE YOU BUTIKOFERS>>>WHEREVER YOU MAY BE!!! THANKS FOR THE GREAT WEEKEND!!!

1 comment:

Jan said...

WOW!! You did a lot of blogging!! While I would love to have the time to write a comment on each one. . .I just think that would be over kill. So I would like to say that you are amazing and I love you more than sliced bread!!

The Bryan Team

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