Oh, if you haven't taken a "LOVE AND LOGIC" class I would totally recommend it.
One of the classes talked about "Making Your Words Into Gold". The concept is to stop making empty threats and follow through with consequences. There is also some logic in what you now make into consequences. Let me illustrate.
The mom yells down the stairs, for the twelfth time, " Kendal, if you don't get dressed for school, you are going in your PAJAMAS....and I MEAN IT."
Enter boy wandering up the stairs...in his DINOSAUR PAJAMA ENSEMBLE that his grandmother gave him for Christmas.
Now....Do I seem like the kind of parent who would send her child off to school in those fuzzy, cuddly, dinosaur pajamas???
Did you see the picture?
Now, in my defense, they were clean, matching, and appropriate for the weather.
He was extremely upset that I would not let him change after he realized I meant what I said. A fit ensued, but I lovingly put his backpack over his shoulders and wished him a wonderful day. I also called his teacher to prepare her for what was coming her way.
When he returned home, still in his pajamas, he was incredibly calm. He had worried that everyone would make fun of him, and then his teacher took him aside and told him that if he acted like those pajamas were his regular clothes, no one would even notice. To his absolute relief, nobody bugged him about them.
I was hoping for SOMETHING to get him to understand the concept of responsibility for his actions...or lack of action in this case.
We haven't had a pajama incident since, and that is GOLDEN MAGIC to me!!